Wednesday, February 11, 2009

About Love: The Present Moment

Everyone in the world seeks it. You can have fame, power, billions of dollars, but without it you have nothing. Without love you are impoverished; without love you will die. Love is what gives real meaning and purpose to our lives; it is the reason for our very existence; to receive it and to share it. When we feel love, we feel good. The more you feel the better it gets. But what IS it? In English we use the same word to describe many feelings, whereas in Spanish, for example, there are at least five. Our experience of love varies between our relationships and our life experience, but most people still haven’t realized what love is or how to grow it.

At one level there is an actual energy behind the experience we call love. There is a biological or physical factor involving hormones, serotonin and dopamine and other chemicals, there are the mental associations and neurological patterned associated with love and there are the emotions associated with both of these, but there is also something underlying it all that is much bigger and more profound. Right now something is making your heart beat. Just like a clock ticking, your heart is running off a current of energy causing life within you. This life force current, and the innate intelligence that flows through it, sustains your existence. It’s the mother’s milk for your soul.

The life force current, or spirit, is the underlying volition that brings forth life. Bringing forth life is an expression of love; life itself is an expression of the Divine love. The Source of that Divine Love is alive and well within you. It is the same volition that directs you to read this. The more we look within ourselves and tap this wellspring of Divine Love, the more we have to share with others. This love displaces those areas of our life where we feel we lack love. Love is always present, if you are not feeling love it is because you are looking outside of yourself to find it.

The more you look within and connect with the Source of life within you (that is you), the more love you will feel. The more Divine Love you feel the more you will have to share with others and the more you share with others the more they will feel, and, in turn, share with yet others. In this way, multitudes of people opening up to receive more Divine Love will create the critical mass to raise the consciousness of humanity. More people feeling more love, and sharing more love (compassion), brings more love into this world. The world could use more love. You could use more love. When you tap into the Source within you, the “Shaktipat” as we say, you fall in love with the Divine. When that happens you just love for no reason, it gets you high. It’s unimaginable. It’s amazing. I wish that for you. Happy Valentine’s Day.

From the heart,

Steven S. Sadleir


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Invisible Energy Fields Are Conducting Life

For everything that exists, there lies a latent potential for it to exist. The realization of that potential is an expression of consciousness. As consciousness is expressed we observe it as energy, it appears to us as time, space, energy and matter. We engage it in light and sound, through natural laws and in how our own brains function. This life force current, innate intelligence or spirit, that underlies all existence is creating, regenerating, directing and guiding all life. Life is expressed through fields of consciousness we think of as spirit. Spirit is what animates all of existence, and guides it too. That which causes life within you is you. You are the consciousness, expressing as spirit through the body-mind vehicle that you will one day discard.

So, if everything is being guided by these invisible streams of consciousness, if there really are fields of energy conducting life, and if we can learn to feel them and be guided by them and get connected with the very design and expression of the Divine itself, wouldn’t that be wonderful? We “know” some kind of energy is being conducted throughout our body, causing life, but do you really know it? There is a whole world of subtle energy guiding life. There are invisible forces guiding your life, you experience them all the time, but wouldn’t it be powerful if you could know what you are being guided towards, and what you are being guided away from? You can work with the Force, the Guidance, with Spirit.

The way to connect with this inner knowing, this Source of life within you that is you, is through Shaktipat Meditation. You may even begin to feel it now as you are reading this. Observe the energy moving from this page into your eyes. Spirit has brought us together so I could help your mind develop a relationship with the Spirit that you are. So my spirit is writing this and your spirit is reading this; an inner knowing is awakening within you now as I remind you of that which you already innately know. Interesting isn’t it? Take deep breath now and see if you can feel the Shakti in your body, let your mind behold the spirit that you are. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and observe the feelings.

Shaktipat Meditation is simply your body and mind being present to the spirit that you are, you basically get high on God as your spirit is expressed through your mind and senses; as your mind realizes the true nature of your Self. Each time we connect through CD, book, newsletter, Enlightenment Radio, retreat, home study or Self Realization Course your energy grows stronger, your spirit shines brighter. We not only make it stronger, clearer and brighter, we raise the level of consciousness you are conducting until you can reside in the bliss all the time.Don’t settle for less. God is calling you. Just stay tuned into this.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

“Anything other than this…is just of the mind and isn’t ultimately real.”

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Life 101 for Teens & Adults

Looking back at my high school yearbook, the senior class asked what you wanted to attain in life, most people said simply to “be happy.” Of those who I have kept track of, I think very few have found true happiness despite having attained financial success. You readers, you students, have been asking me for years to create a “Course in Life for Teenagers,” so I have, but in creating it I realized that it is perhaps even more important for parents to take it, really, everyone. Most people don’t have these success skill sets. The answers lie within, happiness lies within, but you have to learn how to go within. I will teach you this.

The first training involves learning how to connect. How can we achieve anything in life without knowing how to connect, or how to gain the clarity and insight to make the right choices? First we must empower ourselves by knowing ourselves, we must search within and know what brings us our greatest joy, what gifts do we have to share, what contribution we can make. We need a map and compass, this course gives you that map and compass to navigate the currents flowing through your life. Like a Jedi, you learn to use the forces of nature and natural law to attain happiness and peace.

The next step is to take conscious control of your mind. To realize your full potential and find enduring happiness and peace, you must become conscious. I am going to show you how to transcend limiting beliefs and fears and develop a healthy self esteem, one built on humility and true self knowledge. You need a Yoda. The force is within you, but if not used wisely it’s easy for our mind to go to the dark side, seriously. Higher consciousness is then applied to every facet of your life, including communications, relationships, sex, work, money, and investing in order to create prosperity, happiness and peace. The third and forth classes provide the secrets to conscious relationships, Jedi mind power through voice, and how to love and be loveable and have respect and confidence. You will also learn the secrets of financial success, so any teen can become wealthy.

Finally, we are going to give you a whole program for physical, emotional and mental well being, a whole new paradigm for living. Don’t get stuck in habits that will hold you down later, and learn how to get into the shape and state of mind where you are on top of the world. We just gleamed the best, from the best, and put it in a package that is easy and tasty to digest. This is the “if I only knew then what I know now” shortcut, why go through a lot of difficult learning experiences to get it. Get it now. Like getting all the answers before the final exam, the point is that you learn it, sooner rather than later. This is a proven way to have it all. Live your dreams.

From the heart,

Steven S. Sadleir

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Turn the Page

Each day you wake up to a new beginning. Each day you turn the page of your life story and can begin to write whatever you want. Stories change and what makes any book interesting is reading how the hero makes a transition, has an epiphany, or saves the day. What’s the story of your life? Would you want to read about you? What would you want to read? What would you like to write if you could be the screenwriter of your life story? What kind of hero would you be? This year marks a new chapter in your life. With the New Year comes the opportunity to re-create yourself and the best way to do that is to find yourself.

As you look within and get more connected with who you are, you will naturally begin to discover why you were born. The more you connect with your purpose, the clearer it will be to fulfill your life purpose. As you begin fulfilling your life purpose you begin to feel more fulfilled, happy and peaceful. As you dial in on that inner connection through Shaktipat meditation the cloud of unknowing is lifted, like the fog evaporating on a sunny day. As you let more light in, everything becomes clear. Innately you already know; you have only to seek to find.

Come with me to a place where the sun always shines and God’s love is felt so deep you lose your mind. All the things your mind thinks won’t matter after you’re dead. What matters is love, and I am inviting you to make this next chapter of your life about love. About receiving love and sharing it. Not just personal love for people you love, that’s a given. I am inviting you to really love yourself. I am inviting you to stretch your capacity to love others. I invite you to forgive everyone, to drop all judgments of yourself and others. To surrender any and all negativity, and surrender to the presence of God that prodded you to read this.

As hard at it might be for your mind to believe, you are in the midst of an awakening. Something is changing in you. Like a spout that has popped up through the soil after years of germinating, your spirit is free and seeks the light. Leave your “you” behind and come with me to a place where the Angels dance with you. Where everyone you see is your brother or sister and the Divine is right here beside us guiding us each step of the way. Are you living with the spirit of a child? Does life fascinate you? Does God inspire you? Do you love for no reason at all? There is so much love being offered to you. There is so much joy awaiting you. Come play in the garden with me. Don’t let your mind resist it. Turn the page, a new chapter of your life is being written.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

"It just gets better."

The Message

There is an awakening of consciousness occurring within humanity. You are part of a small but rapidly growing segment of the population that is awakening. You are amongst the first to develop that inner knowing and who recognize the shift in consciousness that is occurring in the world. Spirit is guiding you to read this. You have been called: to awaken from the dream and remember who you are and why you were born in order to fulfill the purpose of your existence. Those that are drawn to read this message are the ones ready to enlighten.

Go within and become fully conscious of what this means. How does it feel? Does it resonate as being true for you? Go into that feeling, go to its source; follow it to the very core of your being. Read again the first paragraph slowly and if any of it does not feel right or you are not sure, go within and feel that out too. There is a purpose to your existence that is bigger than all the things your mind thinks you need or want. There is a bigger play that you are a part of that your own mind may not even be aware of. This is your moment of realization. This message also serves as an acknowledgement and confirmation of that which you are. That which was, is, and will be regardless of your form, name, time or place.

One of the last tests those who have already awakened come to is the illusion of already being enlightened. A sense of “I” that identifies with having attained something, knows something, or be something. If there is anything to prove, that’s a red flag. If there is superiority, exclusivity, or making other groups or ideas “wrong” that’s a red flag too. Thinking you know, or don’t know, is still thinking. Your spirit is already free. Come with me to a place where you are so filled with God’s grace, Shakti, love, that it permeates every cell of your body. Merge with me into the pervasive spirit until all resistances wane and your heart may feel the living presence of God within you so strong that tears drip down your cheeks with joy.

The Kingdom of Heaven lies within. It’s a state of consciousness where you realize the living presence of God, by any name, within you and around you, everywhere, all the time, every day. The message is to stop ignoring and denying the Divine presence in your life, come back into the garden; you have only to open your heart to receive. Each breath you take is given to you through grace, just be aware of it. The more you look the more you will see. God never left. Most of humanity is still asleep, unaware of the bliss that awaits them. Are you experiencing that bliss? Would you like to? I would love to share this with you. When we all feel this we will create a loving and peaceful world. But first we need you.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Finding Peace

No matter how stressed you get, no matter how life tests you or what challenges come up in your life, you can always find peace within. Everything you experience is teaching you something about yourself. You are being stretched to evolve your conscious awareness to its highest expression. Life is teaching you exactly what you need to know to learn and grow and realize your full potential…to self-realization. It’s those times where your life seems chaotic, that you are too busy or too stressed, that you need to meditate the most. These are moments where you can breakthrough the mental patterns, limiting beliefs and fears and transcend.

Each of us has an inner compass; an inner guidance mechanism that can help you through difficult times. As you gaze at the point between your eyebrows in meditation you align with the subtle currents of your own life force current, or spirit, that is always guiding you. Your “3rd Eye” is the place where you can dial in on the movement of energy that is guiding you, like a compass needle moving north your spirit can guide you within to gain clarity and insight. By meditating on this chakra you find greater happiness and peace. It has helped millions of people over thousands of years. But it only works if you use it.

Each of us innately knows that the answers lie within us, each of us knows that the source of happiness and peace lies within too. This 3rd Eye Shaktipat meditation is the gateway to that inner knowing and inner strength. Through regular practice your ability to tune in gets stronger. The more you practice the easier it gets too, and the deeper you will go. But even though you know this, or sense it might be true, and have every intention to practice regularly, your mind is going to test you. Through the choices you make you pass through the gates of consciousness that brings you back home and to the promised land. Each time you override your mind’s tendency to distract you and sit in meditation and tune in, you progress a little more on your path. The more you practice, the more powerful you become.

The 3rd Eye meditation becomes even more powerful when you work with a teacher. The meditation in its pure form is not an exercise to get something or go somewhere, but rather a time to commune with the part of you that is already realized. It’s a time when your body and mind can enjoy the presence of your own indwelling spirit and enjoy it. The practice is empowered by working with a teacher on the inner, were we join in spirit and merge in consciousness. My hand is reaching out to you. I invite you to join me and experience the sublime bliss that I had spent a lifetime looking for, and now I have found it I want to share it with you. Listen to our Internet radio station on called Enlightenment Radio (, download some MP3’s or get some CD’s, take a class when you are ready but don’t deny yourself the joy and peace that this meditation will provide. I will meet you there.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Your Beautiful Mind

What if you could think whatever you want whenever you want? What if you felt joy, love and peace all the time, or even just most of the time? Can you think of some old feeling that you would rather not be carrying around, or a behavior that just doesn’t serve you anymore and you would like to let it go? Now is the time. Your mind thinks as it was trained to. Over the years you have downloaded from your senses various thoughts, feelings, opinions and beliefs that rule over your life. Some of them may be quite helpful to you while others may be keeping you from realizing your full potential, or just being happy and prosperous.

You can consciously decide how you want your brain to work, and if there is something in your mind you no longer want to think you can now change it. Your own mind may not believe this, and may even fear the idea, but if you would like to change what goes on in your mind and body the first step is in realizing that you can…absolutely. The second step in this process is in realizing what your thoughts and feelings are and how they are affecting your life. What thoughts serve you and which ones don’t? The next step is to consciously decide in what ways you want to think and which ways you don’t. The clearer your mind is as to what you want it to think, the easier it is for your mind to think it.

Once you have gained clarity as to what you want your mind to think it is simply a matter of programming your mind to think that way. This is where I can help you. Just like learning a language, as you repeat ideas and feelings they become ingrained into the neuro-physiology of your brain and become adopted into your own personality and behavior. Thought-forms can be created in your mind and firmly established so your mind becomes the perfect servant to your own consciousness. Where there was negative you create positive, where there is fear you create courage and strength, where there is discord you create harmony.

Look how enslaved most people are to their mental and emotional conditioning. There is absolutely no reason to stay in a contracted mental or emotional state, you can start shifting and reprogramming your mind once you decide to. This choice is the power that makes it happen. Your spirit is guiding you to make those choices, just as it guided you to be reading these words. I will be conducting a series of three one hour teleconferences this month called The Enlightened Mind Series ( During these teleconferences I will guide you into deep states to access your subconscious and provide you a series of templates for your mind to consider and adopt if you choose. Emotionally, physically and mentally let us create those thoughts and feelings that bring greater prosperity, happiness and peace into your life and to those in your life. Why settle for anything else?

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

"Who decides what state you're going to be in?"

Beyond the Glass Ceiling

As we learn, grow and evolve ourselves and are guided to the fulfillment of our life purpose we inevitably come to areas where we appear to get stuck or stagnate. Whether it is in our career, our relationships or spiritual development we rise to the capacity of our own awareness and any resistance or lack of awareness creates what feels like “a glass ceiling.” You may not even know what it is that is keeping you from moving forward, but you just are not satisfied or at peace. You’ve reached a plateau, you’ve reached that glass ceiling, then what do you do? You don’t do. The doing is what got you stuck to begin with. This is the time to release the doing and the doer and shift your energy to allowing.

Your mind will not necessarily listen to this advice, not initially, for it will surely have many rationalizations, justifications and defenses for whatever you are thinking and feeling, but through your life experience you will see that to the degree that you are open to receive, you will receive. You are always being directed and guided, and whenever you are feeling anything other than happiness and peace (your natural state as spirit) it is only serving as a reminder to get back in touch with yourself. This is where meditation comes in. Most of you already know meditation of some sort. Most of you who have been drawn to read this would likely have done a lot of work on yourselves already and have a higher degree of awareness (or you would not have been drawn to be reading this). But are you living your dreams? Are you enlightened? Are you in bliss?

Your mind cannot conceive God. Your brain will never understand what enlightenment is. The glass ceiling for most of you who are already more spiritually aware is that you may be stuck in what you already know. This was the case for me after studying and writing about world religions and teaching meditation for so many years, I thought I knew something and it kept me from opening to receive even more. I was stuck in what I thought I knew as well as with what I thought I didn’t know. It was only through the grace of my guru that I was able to breakthrough. I prayed to God to send me a teacher, I prayed to Jesus to guide me, and I got a vision of my teacher and the very next day came upon a flyer in Los Angeles announcing his arrival the very next day. It wasn’t until I met my Swamiji and let him guide me by the heart, and through his Shakti, I broke out of the glass ceiling and into the bliss.

Life is blissful. Not just alright or ok, blissful. If you are not in bliss you are not awake, you have fallen asleep and are under the influence of your mind. When you realize the true nature of yourself, as spirit, when you realize God’s presence within you and around you, you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and experience bliss. If you are not in bliss I need to talk to you. I want to help you find the love and joy and peace that lies within you, it is your own nature. You are not your mind, or body, you are spirit, living in a world of spirit, and when you enter this world you find happiness and peace. I would like to invite you into my world; I invite you into the bliss.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

The Kingdom of Heaven

After years of studying and writing about world religions and spiritual paths a common message appears in each of the world’s major teachings, whether it be an eastern or western religion, spiritual group or master, and that is that one day we humans will all live together in happiness and peace in a divine relationship with God right here on earth. We will transcend our lower nature and live in divine communion in paradise: a kingdom of heaven on earth. Many believe this age is upon us. We have come to a point where we are realizing that God never left; the presence of the Divine lies within us, and around us, as spirit. It is spirit that animates our existence. When we realize our true nature as spirit, and recognize this spirit in each other, and in everything, at all times, in all places, then we enter into this heavenly state, for the kingdom of heaven lies within.

While doing research for my next book I came upon a powerful description in the Gospel of Thomas by Jesus’ brother, this Gospel was very popular among Christians in the first and second century but for various political reasons was not included in the New Testament, and whether you are a Christian or not it provides powerful insight into the nature of our existence. In the third paragraph of this gospel, Jesus tells his disciples:

“…the kingdom is inside you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will come to be known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father.”

Then in paragraph 113, his disciples said to him: “When will the kingdom come?” And Jesus said:

“It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying ‘here it is’ or ‘there it is.’ Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it.”

This is completely consistent with the concept of Self-Realization and God-Realization, for when you enlighten you come to know your own nature and realize the living presence God here on earth. You enter into a state of consciousness where you realize God’s presence within you and around you. So, those who have eyes let them see. God never left, that which created us is sustaining us even now and we have never been separate from Him. Connect with that life force, innate intelligence, or spirit that you are and allow your mind to realize that it is you.

You are entering a revelation in consciousness. You have evolved your conscious awareness to the point that you have realized that there is something to be realized or you wouldn’t be reading this. You are being guided by spirit to awaken from the dream and drama that your mind has created and are remembering who you are and why you were born so that you may fulfill the purpose of your existence. You are invited to God-Realization and to enter the kingdom of heaven on earth.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

What It Takes

Over the last thirty years I have watch students come and go. Some pick up some meditation tools to help them with life, they find more peace and have an awakening that gives them an evolutionary bump up in consciousness, while others clearly get the glow, find the bliss and enlighten. Why do some just get just a little and others enlighten? I’ve been studying this for years and have some insights for you. The good news is that you are reading this, and that is the evidence you are being guided. Continue to follow that inner guidance and you will get it. You have it already, you are it; you have only to realize it.

One of the most common delays and deterrents, to our spiritual evolution is “The Busy Cycle.” Inevitably, as we meditate we accelerate our learning curve and our life starts speeding up, changes come rapidly and we become busier dealing with all the changes that we’ve stirred up in our life. While this is the most important time to keep meditating, it is more often than not the time students start missing their meditations, cutting them short or not being fully present when meditating. Whether it’s a few days, weeks, months or years, eventually people seem to come back to meditation, like a refuge, but those times away can be difficult. Sticking with your practice and allowing yourself to receive inner guidance during meditation is the best strategy to help you move through these trying times.

The second biggest obstacle is “dabbling.” I have seen students go from one spiritual practice to another, teacher to teacher, seminar to seminar, and retreat to retreat for years but they don’t go deeper in their meditation. Rather than going deeper in their meditation, they simply move on to the next fun thing. The third biggest obstacle, and the test that comes up with most of my graduate students, is the “I know” syndrome. When students learn a lot and start having epiphanies, satori’s or samadhi’s, it often goes to their head and this puts up barriers to learning. This is a test all students face (as I did): getting stuck on what we think we know (or have). If you think you know, you don’t.

So, what does it take? The students who have clearly awakened and enlightened have these qualities: They are deeply committed, sincere and consistent in their practice. They are open to receive, they listen, they allow themselves to be guided, they allow themselves to be loved, and they are able to take criticism and guidance without defensiveness or resistance. Most importantly, they don’t give up. You can never fail if you don’t give up. Don’t give up, it’s so worth it.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Your Inner Compass

We each have an inner compass guiding us to fulfill our purpose. We all have an inner knowing that is providing the impetus for us to develop ourselves. We are all evolving, all growing more conscious through all our life experiences; all part of a critical mass of awareness that is awakening within the collective consciousness of humanity. We are each being guided to realize our full potential by realizing our Self. Self-realization is the culmination of humanity’s potential, it is the underlying desire within all humans; it is our instinct to evolve. Enlightenment is innate. Your true Self is already realized. You couldn’t be anything other than that which you already are. It is time for your full self-realization.

Reflecting on your own nature helps your mind align with the part of you that already knows. Having the presence of mind to check your compass brings your mind in alignment with the spirit that’s calling you to wake up from the dream, to remember who you are and why you were born so you can fulfill the purpose of your existence. The energy the guides you to be reading and reflecting on these words is your spirit. Your spirit is guiding your mind as you are reading these words as evidenced by the fact that you are reading them. It’s bringing your mind into focus on the feeling that is your spirit reaching out to your mind. Shaktipat meditation is tuning to that feeling.

When you put your attention on the place between the eyebrows, as we teach, energy flows to this area and several incredible things happen: Your pituitary gland is stimulated, and working in conjunction with your pineal gland, they regulate heart rate, metabolism, respiration and other biological functions, bringing about a more peaceful state. This endocrine response further facilitates the lowering of your brain wave activity; guiding you down from Beta (14-40 cps) to Alpha (7-13 cps) then Theta (4-6 cps) and eventually Delta (0-3 cps). From within this inner quiet greater clarity, insight, happiness and peace develop. This meditation also draws the energy from your nervous system up to the uppermost regions of your brain; the “crown” in the frontal and temporal lobes of your neo-cortex. Herein lies our sixth sense, and by developing this sense your own nature is reflected back to your mind and your mind realizes the true nature of your Self.

When you meditate on your 3rd Eye, you plug into the very life force current that you are; your mind is simply connecting with your spirit, consciously. Each time you meditate on your 3rd eye, you align with the energy guiding you; spirit guides you like a compass needle pointing the way. Picture me reaching out to you in the screen of your mind, connect like a radio tuning into a broadcast, and my spirit will join with yours and we can move into this state of consciousness together. Like Saint Peter awaiting you at the pearly gates, I am reaching out to you in spirit to enter the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within. I will meet you here.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Get Your Bearing

In and around everything that exists lie fields of organizing intelligence. That which creates us and sustains us is also guiding us; it is guiding us in every situation, everywhere, all the time. When we are aligned with the flow of this expression of consciousness, or spirit, we are guided to positive learning experiences and find fulfillment, happiness and peace. When we connect with and allow our body and mind to serve as a vehicle for this innate volition we are drawn to the people, places and situations that support our growth and development and life is good, very good.

When our mind diverts our attention away from this natural inclination, and to the degree it does, we feel a commensurate degree of suffering and pain. These are the signs pointing out that we are out of touch, disconnected, lost. Like a compass needle being pulled to magnetic north, our spirit is always pointing the way for our optimum happiness and peace. We are never really disconnected with spirit itself, but our mind can get so preoccupied with the stories that it creates that we all too often get lost in our own mind. But no matter how lost you are, no matter how difficult life gets, no matter how disconnected you feel, you can always come right back, get your bearing and find peace.

You get your bearing by tuning into the subtle life force currents flowing through you and around you. The more you tune in, the more tuned in you are. The more you connect with the source of life within you, the more connected you are. The more connected you are the more you will be guided to those life experiences that are helping you to learn, and grow, and evolve your consciousness to its highest expression and fulfill your life purpose. Shaktipat meditation is the means to connecting with this innate guiding volition; it’s your direct connection.

Shakti is life force, or spirit. It is energy. It makes your heart beat; it is life itself. But it is more than just energy, it is innate intelligence, it is the expression of consciousness that has been guiding you all along. It is you, it is what you are, it is what continues on long after the body expires and the sooner you are plugged into it and guided by it, the sooner you will find enduring happiness and peace. It is where you find clarity, it is where you find inspiration and guidance, it is where you find happiness and peace, and it is what is guiding you to read these words right now. You are being guided by it to find it, to realize it. The more you connect with it, the more you meditate using this Shaktipat, the stronger your connection is and the happier you are. We know, we’ve trained thousands, we see it transforming people’s lives every day, and we would love for you to experience the profound shifts that result as you awaken this inner knowing, guidance and love.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

“Find your Self and find true happiness. All other happiness is transitory and fleeting."

The Zohar

We have all heard of the term “God-Realization” and most would consider it an Eastern Concept, something sought after by Buddhists and Yogis alike, and it is, but few people realize that the Bible itself leads us to “God-Realization.” To enter the Kingdom of Heaven is to realize, and have your awareness dwelling in, and with, the presence of God. Both Eastern and Western paths strive to feel the bliss of being in God’s presence and envision a time where we will all live together in happiness and peace here on Earth. The Old Testament, the Torah, is written with metaphors and cryptic messages that have become clarified through the study of the Kabbalah; the primary text of which is called The Zohar, or Book of Splendor.

The teachings of Kabbalah are said to trace back to Adam himself and carried on through the prophets to the present day. The first written texts, and a classic period of study of Kabbalah, began around the first century, with commentaries being added on through the ages. In this study of God and Man’s nature and purpose, the Kabbalah clarifies that we are here to awaken our spiritual awareness and evolve our consciousness to full God-Realization and to bring this enlightened awareness into this world in order to invoke the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. It makes very clear that enlightenment is the very goal and purpose to our existence, and the stories in the bible contain the messages that will enlighten us as to how God thinks and what we are here to do.

Even more interesting is that this information has been keep secret for thousands of years and it has only just recently been printed, unabridged, in English and made available to the public. The reason, we are told, is that we have entered the age of the Messiah and individuals are going to start enlightening in preparation for it. We have entered the age of Prophesy and unlike any other time in the history of civilization we are being given an opportunity to enlighten and, in fact, we are being called to. The first century Jewish sect called the Essenes were the only sect known to perform baptisms, as John the Baptist and Christ did, and this sect were known to have had practiced Kabbalah. Christ is inviting us to realize his Divine presence right here on Earth and we are being invited to realize that the spirit that lies within us, is us. Those who have eyes let them see. The Kingdom of Heaven lies within. Amen.
PS: I have so much more I want to share, come join in during our Satsang and free guided meditations teleconferenced each month.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

"The more open you are to receive, the more you will receive."


Let's create some intentions for this coming year. As we think about it, visualize and feel what we would like to create, our mind aligns with these intentions and we begin to realize them. What we think we create, and we create what we think. Let us begin by intending to evolve ourselves to realize our highest potential. Let us envision that everything we experience is teaching us something that is serving to help us to learn, and grow and evolve ourselves and bring about greater prosperity, happiness and peace.

Let us decide to let go of anything and everything that has been keeping us from realizing our full potential; and consciously decide to release any limiting beliefs and fears our mind might have created. Let us drop any and all negativity, and stories we have created about others, or our past, and live fully in the present moment. This coming year represents a new beginning. This coming year you are beginning a new chapter in the book of your life.

If you could write a chapter in the book of your life, what would it say? If you could play any part, any character, what character would you be? What would it be like to fully awaken your consciousness, to fully enlighten? Imagine what it would look like, sound like, feel like? Imagine feeling total love, peace and joy all the time for no reason? Imagine you were an actor in the play of your own life and rehearse the part of one who had found peace within and lived to help others find it.

Imagine that you were awakening from a dream and beginning to remember who you are and why you were born. Imagine you had been led to these words by your spirit and even as you are reading them your own spirit is making conscious contact with your mind and as your mind is pondering this you are awakening even more. Imagine you lived your life as the spirit that you are and that you began to see the spirit alive in everyone, and in everything, everywhere, all the time, every day. Imagine you were part of a movement that was uplifting the consciousness of humanity so we could all live together in happiness and peace. Just imagine.

From the heart, Steven

"Your own potential is realized when reflected upon."

Epiphany at the Portola

Last month I took a group of students, primarily high-powered businessmen and women, to China and Tibet for a meditation retreat. I was amazed at how much China had changed from the late eighties. Back then almost everyone wore a drab uniform and very few people looked happy. What I remembered most were all the guards carrying machine guns and being watched very carefully wherever I went. Now, in Shanghai and Beijing anyway, I was happy to see thoroughly modern cities. People were wearing bright colors and had happy, hopeful faces. Evidence of prosperity was everywhere. Even the guards at the Great Wall would sit and laugh with us.

Tibet was even more amazing. It is such a beautiful country, with majestic mountains and magical temples filled with brilliant murals and golden beaming Buddha's. We were quite taken aback when at every temple and every statue we would be met by a monk who would inform us of the fee for taking a picture. Ten Yuan for this room, twenty for this Buddha, forty to videotape it. Of course, we were happy to make some donations to help restore the temples and delighted to support the ongoing work at the monasteries. But the gift that was given to us, perhaps by the Prosperity Buddha, was the idea of being open to receive and how money served as a means to help people.

In my early years of meditating as a "yogi in training," I adopted the notion that money was un-spiritual. My mind had created a division between my business life and my spiritual life. As a result I lived in lack because my mind thought it was a more spiritual state to be in. Teaching yoga and meditation in the eighties I would always teach on a donation basis but rarely received enough to pay for the overhead. For years SAI remained a meditation backwater in Orange County. Then, in the early 21st Century, my friend, student and teacher Matthew Ferry, pointed out to me that my lack of prosperity consciousness was keeping my work from being enjoyed by other people. Once I was open to receive, others began to receive more too.

Once my consciousness shifted from lack to value, The Self Awareness Institute grew from a few hundred people to tens of thousands all over the world in just a few years. This same shift may be helpful for you too. Are you living in lack? Do you deny yourself prosperity, happiness or peace of mind? Later this month I am conducting a Prosperity Consciousness workshop that I encourage you to attend. Prosperity is a state of consciousness, and your prosperity contributes to global prosperity. Lack serves nobody. This epiphany occurred at the Portola Palace in Lhasa. God bless the people of Tibet. Check out the photos visit:

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Master “The Force” Like A Jedi

Whether you call it “The Force” as in Star Wars, innate intelligence, nature or spirit, we all recognize that there is something inside us animating our existence, and all existence. Some kind of energy is flowing, intricate systems of organizing intelligence and will, all working together. The more we connect with this force, the more powerful we become in using it. The more you find it within yourself; the more you realize the true nature of your Self…you enlighten. You ARE this spirit, and it is guiding you now to the full realization of God, within you and around, in every place, in all situations, all the time. As you tap into the wellspring of life itself, you tap into the flow of love that sustains your existence…and it is guiding you now.

Use The Force: Take a deep breath and connect with the life force within you, that is you. Be present to that presence within you that knew to lead you to these words. Feel the volition that is guiding you, and guiding us, to bring more light into this world. As you begin to connect and be guided by the spirit within you, you will also begin to become conscious of how spirit is guiding other people, situations and events and will know when, how and what to do. You are so much more powerful when you know what is going on. As you become more conscious you learn to use these flows of spirit as this is how we are guided to fulfilling our life purpose.

The more you are on purpose, the more everything flows. To the degree you are “off” you will find your life becomes more difficult and painful. Difficulty and pain is a sign of resistance; you just need to be guided back on track, to get back on purpose. Use your Jedi skills; use The Force. Where there is darkness bring the light. Like Master Yoda says: “Anger leads to hate, hate leads to the Dark Side.” Watch where you energy goes. Are you getting angry? Are you in fear? Is there darkness in your mind? Meditate. Connect with the source of life within you, the light within you that is you.

As you become increasingly more conscious of how energy is flowing into and out of your mind and your life, you will become adept at using the energy like a Jedi. An instinct innate within you is already guiding you. The Force is with you now compelling you to read these words. Spirit has your mind’s attention. You have come to a pivotal point in the evolution of your consciousness where you are now consciously seeking ways to further evolve yourself to enlightenment. Your training is about to begin. Are you ready?

From the Heart,
Steven S. Sadleir

"You are part of a movement that is changing the world forever."

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Your Energy Body

Your body is energy. Energy is absorbed through the air you breathe. It flows in your nervous system, like electricity flowing through wires, to all your extremities and vital organs. It flows in streams through channels of low resistance and high conductivity called chi, or ki. Your central nervous system conducts it like a bar magnet, with the positive charge on the top of the head and the negative charge at your tailbone. Arching fields of bio-magnetism flow out from the top of your head, encircle your body and come up again at the negative pole at your tailbone in what is called an “aura.”

Your thoughts are energy too, literally a movement of energy flowing through streams of neurons, or brain cells, in your head. Emotions are a combination of neurological discharges and secretions of brain chemicals whose discharges create the moods you feel. All your senses are picking up energy: Light is energy, sound is energy, taste and smell involve energy discharges in your brain as well. Movement is energy, gravity is a form of energy, every state perceived is something changing…energy; perception itself is energy.

Even the physical mass of your body is energy. Shrink your awareness down into the cellular level and you find the cells of your body are in constant communication with each other energetically; each cell receives and conducts energy. Shrink yourself down even further to the molecular level and you find systems of organizing intelligence conducting the energy to create the patterns we call molecules, elements, compounds-the building blocks of life. Shrink your awareness down even smaller to the world of atoms and you find that the ultimate constituents of your body are latent potential and realized manifestations of positive and negative energy, which we call protons, electrons, and neutrons.

Your body is both receiving and transmitting energy. What you think, and feel, is what you are creating. Create happy positive thoughts and those thoughts are transmitted into the fields of awareness that link us all together, like cells in the body of God. Negative thoughts are also transmitted into the field of collective consciousness and will cause you to attract the people, circumstances and situations that enable you to see whatever is diminishing the light of your own indwelling spirit. Spirit is consciousness in expression, or Shakti. That which causes life within you is you. You are the light. Realize this.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

How to Find Peace of Mind in a Crazy World

Have you noticed that life appears to be speeding up? We are trying to "fit" so many things into our schedule, trying to keep up, stay on top, working harder and harder to get ahead. The whole world is stressing out. The recession is creating a fear of survival; a "lack" consciousness is begetting more lack and, then, if we watch the television, listen to the news on the radio, or read the paper, our minds are filled with even more dismal information. There is a vortex of negative energy that we feed, collectively, and unconsciously, that perpetuates this cycle and keeps us from being at peace and being happy.

This chaotic energy is endemic in our world culture now, and we are all feeling its affects. As the energy keeps spinning faster and faster, like a hurricane, we can easily get caught up in it with all its negativity and that's why so many people don't feel at peace. We have gotten caught up in the negative energy vortex, and the mind just goes on and on as if we had no control of our lives. We allow our minds to run out of control. The good news is there is a time tested proven solution to this mass chaos: unplug from it.

By first realizing that you have a choice what state of mind to be in, no matter what is happening in your life, then you begin to shift your energy. By stepping back from the energy vortex and "disengaging" it, you stop feeding it. There is a thought momentum that will pull you back in again if you go unconscious and you likely will (you'll be tested). You then just need to remember to step back again and watch your mind as if you were watching a show...which you are. Our habit is to get sucked in, again and again, and that just reinforces and perpetuates these cycles causing the chaos. At some point, you need to decide you are stepping out of it and reconnect with that place of peace that is innate to your being. This is where meditation comes in.

Most of the time when I mention something like this, people's kneejerk reaction is either "I can't meditate, my mind is too active" or "I don't have time to meditate." If your mind thinks this way it is only indicating that you have lost control of your life and well being. It's making the conscious choice to disengage from that very thinking that opens you up to new possibilities. We see this every day. We work with thousands of people who start with this "too busy" or "can't" attitude, and then watch them shift, almost overnight, into states happiness and peace. You only need to be shown how, it's learned. When you shift your state of consciousness, by intending to, your life also shifts. Not only will you find increasing joy and peace from life, but you will receive the inner guidance to fulfill your life purpose and create greater prosperity too. I guarantee it. The choice is up to you. What are you choosing?

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

What a Manifestation & Meditation Retreat is Like

Hundreds gather from around the country and abroad to the vortexes and natural beauty of Sedona, Arizona, to learn The Exact Science of Manifesting from some of world's leading experts. One of the highlights of this weekend retreat was when leading clinical psychologist and best-selling author Dr. David Hawkins provided us an overview of "The Scale of Consciousness" (see Power Verses Force) and explained the various levels of consciousness and the means of objectively determining truth from falsehood. From his insights we learned of our ability to consciously raise our own level of consciousness and we inspired to enlighten.

Humor abounds as national speaker
Matthew Ferry, Director of the Academy of Influence and personal trainer to millionaires, shares his secrets of manifesting whatever you want, financially, personally and spiritually, through his "8 Steps to Manifesting" process and causes us to nearly split our spleen from laughing so hard during the "Drunk Monkey" talk. The conference room was filled with inspirational art, sacred objects, special air cleansing devices were brought in create the optimal environment, and nutritional experts showed us how to cleanse our bodies through super-foods like Isagenix.

I led a half a dozen powerful meditations designed to: (1) Clear away limiting beliefs and fears, (2) connect with the source of inner knowing, (3) amplify your attractor field to manifest more powerfully, (4) raise your calibrated level of consciousness, and (5) get high as a kite through Shaktipat. By the end of the retreat almost everyone had tears of joy in their eyes and had made major breakthroughs.
Dr. Sally St. John showed us how to use applied kinesiology to determine our calibrated level of consciousness and tests of the group showed that as a whole they had moved all the way into the 500's (a state of higher consciousness).

Most of the time we hung out with our friends, made new friends and hiked the famous "energy vortexes" of Sedona. Almost half the people at the retreat had never meditated before, but by the time we left everyone had experienced samadhi and each had made a deeper connection with their spirit. We all learned that "what we think we create, and we create what we think" and by Monday the magic of manifesting has already begun. People are finding greater prosperity, happiness and peace by realizing they can, through self-realization. We are planning to do another retreat in Santa Fe this summer; hope you can join us.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Making It Meaningful

Do you feel a sense of absolute awe and wonder with your life? Does your life flow effortlessly with synchronicity and abundance? Do you feel you are aligned with your purpose and feel fulfilled, completely happy and at peace? If not, why not? You already know the answers lie within you. You have a sense of being guided to fulfill your life purpose don't you? Otherwise why would you be reading this? Your Spirit is guiding you to fully realize who you are and why you were born so that you can fulfill the purpose of your existence.

Once you realize that there is something to be realized, your realization has begun. The fact that you are reading this indicates that you have already awakened your consciousness and are being guided. But being guided to what? Each of us is being given the opportunity to connect with the part of us that already knows why we were born by acknowledging the volition that compels you to read these words. The more you get in touch with that, the more connected your mind will be with your Self.

To the degree we connect with this inner knowing, we live a life of prosperity, happiness and peace. I have observed this in literally thousands of cases over the past twenty years. Virtually everyone who learns the tools and practices them finds greater prosperity, happiness and peace. Everyone. You find meaning in life when you find your Self. Self-realization is the key. What keeps people from this enlightened state is what their mind does. The mind resists. This is the test. It resists making the commitment to the practice, it resists going beyond what is already known, it resists help, it becomes fearful, prideful, distracted.

When you come to the point in the evolution of your consciousness that you make the commitment to full self-realization everything in your life shifts. The doors of opportunity open up for you. The universe supports you. The Divine enters into your life in ways that appear miraculous and your heart is filled with love, peace and joy. I see this every day, I am watching thousands of people enlighten. I am hoping that you will join us and enter into this Kingdom of Heaven that lies within. I welcome you into this present moment. Close your eyes and connect with what you are feeling. I will meet you there.

From the heart, Steven

Mystical Land, Powerful Journey

Imagine meditating on an active volcano. Mauna Loa, on the Big Island of Hawaii, is the most massive mountain on Earth; measured from its base on the seafloor it rises 56,000 (27,000 higher than Everest from the base) and lies over 13,700 above sea level. It was snowing on the peak even as we basked in the sun on the black sandy beaches of Puna, approximately 30 miles south of Hilo. All of Hawaii is beautiful, but I have never been to such an incredible place and wanted to share with you what a SAI retreat was like so you can join us next time.

Each morning we were led by Maura Hoffman in an absolutely wonderful yoga workout and then led into a powerful Shaktipat meditation, so by breakfast we were already naturally high as a kite. Late morning and afternoon we would typically go on excursions and meet up again in the late afternoon for Dhyana, getting even higher on the Divine. By the end of the week everyone went to an even deeper level in their meditations and several people had life changing breakthroughs as the Shakti just sets your spirit free.

One day we went hiking to beautiful Akaka Falls and then went swimming with sea turtles, another day we went into a lava tube ---the womb of the Volcano--- and sat sauna style as steam vented up into the darkened chamber. Another day we went trance dancing with another retreat group and later danced on the beach to the sounds of a dozen drums beating and the crashing of waves on the beach. We also went to the geo-thermal natural hot tubs, snorkeled about with beautiful fish, ate incredible natural meals, got massages, and had fun activities each night, such as, Kaya Kalpa Anti-Aging Secrets, Tantra, Love Tap's, Kriya Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Bliss Sessions. We also just hung out on the beach and got to know each other better.

But the height of the trip was walking out to the lava flow. Kilauea extends out the side of Mauna Loa and is still active. We could see the steam from the lava flowing miles away from our totally decked out retreat center Rama Shala. Friday evening we hiked out of Volcano National Park and went within feet of flowing magma (molten rock) as it dropped right into the sea expanding Hawaii's shore line. Maura and I stripped down in the pitch of darkness and swam right out to the middle of the lava flow, within 100 feet of the cascading lava sputtering like a pressure cooker as it met the crashing waves below. The whole ocean reflected the bright orange glow as we bounded in the bubbling waters heated by the lava. For a hundred yards to our left and to our right was red-hot lava flowing into the ocean. Absolutely amazing. I had to tell someone (hope Mom isn't reading this). Go to to see the photos.

From the Heart,
Steven S. Sadleir

Find Your Purpose, Fulfill Your Destiny

We are each being guided to fulfill our life purpose. Collectively and individually we are all following our intuition to evolve ourselves to higher levels of consciousness. You witness evidence of this inner guidance as you read these words. You are here because spirit guided you to be here. You are being invited to take that next step and fulfill your destiny. So, what is your destiny? What lies awaiting for you to realize? First you must find yourself. Connect with the part of you that knows your calling and how to fulfill the purpose of your existence. To realize your full potential you must realize your Self, you must attain Self Realization.

Everyone reading this essay is enlightened to some degree or you would not have the inclination to read this. Start by acknowledging that part of you that seeks enlightenment. Let it be clear in your own mind that you are seeking to raise your calibrated level of consciousness and attain conscious control over your mind, and feel the full profundity of God’s love as you realize the Kingdom of Heaven within you. To think we go through so much of our life ignorant of this Divine presence. It’s a wonder how we could deny the very love that sustains our own existence, but we do. We suffer out of ignorance.

When your mind realizes the true nature of your Self, the bliss is indescribable. If you are not intoxicated on God, what are you doing? Why would you choose to live a life of trials and errors when you could walk with Him? God never left, open your eyes and see. The Kingdom of Heaven lies within. In the Gospel of Thomas the apostles ask Jesus, “When will the Kingdom come?” To which Jesus replied, “It will not come by waiting for it. You cannot say that it is here, or that it is there. For the Kingdom of Heaven is spread out before man, but he sees it not.” Those that have eyes let them see.

Brothers and sisters, your destiny is to enlighten. Until to commit to this mission you are straying from your path and that might be why it seems difficult at times. When will the time come that you commit yourself whole heartedly to your enlightenment? Through Self Realization you truly do find greater prosperity, happiness and peace. Let me show you the way to find the answers that already lie within you. Let us create peace on Earth by first finding peace within ourselves. Your destiny awaits.

From the heart,
Steven S. Sadleir

Friday, June 13, 2008

Conscious Capitalism

For the world to enlighten we must first enlighten, and bring this higher awareness into every facet of our lives including business. Capitalism affords the opportunity to aspire to achieve a better life, liberty and happiness, but all too often also breeds greed and corruption. At a lower state of consciousness the ends justifies the means, at a higher state it benefits society. In a “materialistic” culture money becomes the God, that we seek and humans become devalued.I have spent a lifetime studying God and money, and from my perspective when serving others is the goal, greater good and profit result. I have a plan, a way that brings out the best in capitalism and it is simply this:

Rather than trying to make money, our goal as individuals and businesses should be to make a difference. If we can make a real contribution, that contribution is valued and we become valued and money comes. This is the key to the Law of Attraction: it’s not trying to get what you want, but helping others with what THEY need or want. If we only seek to benefit ourselves, or a select few, then we miss the greater value of making a difference. Making a difference, making a contribution to other’s lives, is what life is all about; and it’s good for business too. We find greater purpose and meaning when we make a contribution. Just making money will not fulfill you, making a difference will.

If we really do care and want to make a difference, then we think green, we think sustainable, renewable and what is in the best interest of others including the generations to come. To seek to make money and not account for the costs in terms of its long term affects on our society, our natural resources, and our environment is a short term gain (financial) at a long term cost, which is bad for business and our society. To promote products and services that benefit the well being of all, through your purchases and investments, adds value to the world, to spend and consume for pure self interest is short sighted and costly to society. The more conscious we are the happier we are both individually and collectively.

To improve the world we must first intend to. As we think prosperity, happiness and peace, we create it. The world around you is a reflection of your state of consciousness. When you care about the welfare of your employees, they provide greater productively and loyalty to your company. When you care about your customers, they support your business. This has been tested again and again and proven to be true. Think in terms of what you can do for others and watch your business grow… and your heart; profit as a prophet.

From the heart,
Steven S. Sadleir

Friday, May 02, 2008

Virtual Enlightenment

Within one generation technology has brought the world together in ways unimaginable to most people. We have extended our awareness through satellite, cellular and fiber optic applications. The World Wide Web has created a global mind with information being shared with millions in seconds; ideas move through the World Wide Web much like thought moving through fields of neurons in our brain.

Where we used to have most of our classes in a room, now most people are dialing in through teleconference lines, and listening to our classes on their PDA's and iPods; we grew from a few hundred to tens of thousands all over the world in just a couple years! Our Institute is virtual, each staff member works out of their home, and I rarely even meet the students I work with in person. It's not necessary; transmitting Shakti is even more effective virtually since the teacher is not the person but the spirit that is non-physical.

This adaptation of technology has also provided an opening in consciousness that enables me to connect with you in ways unimagined in earlier times. Where Shaktipat had traditionally been transmitted through physical touch or presence from teacher to student, it is now broadcast virtually like a satellite signal to students all over the globe. For the first time in history people half way around the globe can connect with the Shakti anytime by simply "tuning in" to the life force that passes through me to you. In this way we join in spirit and commune in Divine Grace. We are all connected in spirit.

This month we launch our Membership program. Now anyone with a computer, anywhere in the world, can connect energetically to our spiritual community and radically accelerate their instinctive evolutionary enlightenment. The spiritual connection is transferred through voice, written words, and through spirit itself. You have been called to awaken from the dream and fulfill your life purpose. You are part of a growing body of people who are being led to full enlightenment and you know this instinctively. Your enlightenment is creating the critical mass that is shifting the collective consciousness of humanity so we can all live together in happiness and peace. I look forward to sharing with you more.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

On Shaktipat

That which causes life within you, is you. The spirit that animates your physical being is an expression of your consciousness…it is known as Shakti. Your consciousness is what is reflecting upon these words and guiding you to read them. Observe your mind thinking. Who is observing these thoughts you are thinking?

When our body and mind are congruent with the expression of consciousness flowing through you there is clarity, happiness and peace. To the degree your mind is incongruent with your spirit there is resistance and pain. Pleasure and pain serve as benchmarks of your state of consciousness. They are your guides on your path to enlightenment.

The more connected you are with your spirit and the expression of consciousness flowing through your body and mind the happier you are. The more conscious you are the more peace pervades. All your life experiences are providing you the opportunity to learn and grow and evolve your consciousness to its highest expression…full self-realization.

Each state that you evolve to carries a higher energy. You "conduct" your state of consciousness. By tuning into higher states of consciousness you become familiar with them. When I meditate with you, in person or not, my spirit and yours connect and you naturally tune into these higher states, this is called Shaktipat. The more familiar with these higher states you become, the more you reside in them until you experience them all the time. This is an easy and enjoyable path to enlightenment. Experience it for yourself.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir