Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Vision of Happiness & Peace

As we celebrate the upcoming holidays a message of "Peace on Earth and Good Will Towards Man" is echoed by people of varying faiths from around the world. If we all wish for that, why have we not created it? We have only to look into our own lives and ask ourselves "am I at peace right now?" We can create a more peaceful world through the collective efforts of individuals creating peace in their own world. Here are three simple things you can do to create more peace in your life.

(1) The single most powerful thing anyone can do to create more peace in their own lives is to consciously decide to create more peace in their lives. Hold the intention to create more peace, so your mind has some direction and guidance. Left unchecked, your mind will create even more stress, more activities, more justifications and rationalizations for thinking and doing things that create stress and discord in your life. You have to value peace and commit to create it in order to create it.

(2) Meditate. Throughout the history of civilization, in all the major cultures and religions throughout the world, people have found some form of meditation to find greater clarity, happiness and's time tested and proven effective. Even though it is now universally recognized that meditation helps you find peace, most people don't make the effort. Meditation is easy, effortless and enjoyable when you learn the right methods. Come take the free class and see for yourself. Come again if you'd tried it before, the reinforcement can only help.

(3) Forgive. Peace is your natural state. If you are not feeling peace it is because you are focusing on something going on in your head. Some of the greatest causes of mental agitation are anger, resentment, and a resistance to letting go of something that has bothered you. If you are feeling anger, just let it go. If you are feeling resentment, just let it go. If you are resistant to letting it go, let that go. Just let go. Open your heart and peace will reign. When we all forgive, when we all let our anger and resentment go, we can all live together in happiness and peace. It begins with you.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

P.S. Please join our Global World Peace teleconferenced meditation September 14 & 21 at 7pm, pst. To receive an invitation email us at