Saturday, July 28, 2007

World Peace

Please share your vision of world peace, a prayer, or a statement of compassion for humanity and the enlightenment of humanity. Put this energy, this intension, this desire into the collective consciousness of humanity via the Internet. Your thoughts and feelings have energy, use the power of your words, thoughts and feelings here. Please also take a moment to read and reflect on what others have shared. Let us share this vision of peace together.

I see the whole world living together in happiness and peace. I pray that you fully enlighten and realize the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within you, and share that love with everyone you see, everywhere you go, all the time, every day.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

The Art and Science of Meditation

Meditation has been practiced in various forms for thousands of years all over the world. From the jungles of Borneo to the Ganges River, Tibetan tundra to Siberian back woods, shamans, sadhus and seekers alike have gone within to find God, find themselves, find purpose and meaning in life. Archaeological relics from the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro in western Punjab, India depict the ancient yogic deity Shiva (as An) sitting cross-legged meditating on his “Third Eye” in a state of transcendental bliss. Buddha sat under a tree; Jesus sat in the Desert and Mohammad in a cave. All the great prophets, gurus and saints used some form of meditation to commune with God and realize their true Self.

In the Yoga Sutras Patanjali defines yoga as the cessation of thought or the absence of mental modification. When the mind becomes still, inner clarity develops and the true nature of the Self is revealed. This is the essence of yoga; yoga is the both the art and science of Self Realization. Initially an aspiring yogi or yogini would be taught various yoga asanas or postures to prepare the body for meditation. The goal has always been to quiet the body in order to quiet the mind. In India the Rishis developed various meditation practices based on the level and temperament of the student.

Some forms of meditation are contemplative, where the student reflects on a verse from an illuminated text such as the Bible, Koran, Yoga Sutras or Bhagavad-Gita; yet others are quite active and involve some conscious movement as in tantric lovemaking, tai chi or practicing yoga postures with such inner quiet that the student goes into meditation while holding a pose. A common form of meditation to begin with involves primordial sounds called mantras. Most spiritual disciplines recognize the mind altering power of sound vibrations: the Sanskrit language of the Yogi’s, ancient Hebrew and Arabic are each believed to conduct energy when spoken or contemplated.

The most familiar mantra “Om” often pronounced as “Aum” moves life force energy up the spine to the top of the head. The “Ahhh” sound can be felt in the region of the navel, the “Ohhh” and “Uuuu” sound are carried at the heart and throat centers, and the “Mmmm” vibration is felt as the buzzing of bees in the head. Repeating this sound relaxes the mind and turns ones awareness inward. The popular Transcendental Meditation or “TM” of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi repeat a single sacred sound mantra from the Vedas is repeated to help aspirants go within and find inner peace; whereas members of the Hari Krishna movement, or ISCON, repeat a series of sacred trance inducing sounds praising God that creates a euphoric state, this is called Japa.

One of the more common forms of meditation involves concentration on various energy centers of the body called Chakras; where a meditator would concentrate their attention on such areas as their Navel Center (Manipura), Heart Center (Anahata) or Third Eye (Ajna). The energy being directed to these centers through focused attention activates the energy at these points and shifts the state of consciousness of the meditator. For instance, when one focuses at the Third Eye point between the eyebrows this activates the pituitary and pineal gland which help regulate your brain wave frequencies, like a natural biofeedback response. As the student connects with their life force energy, or kundalini shakti, at this point their brain wave frequencies drop from Beta (14-40 cycles per second) to Alpha (7-13 cycles per second), and eventually lower still to Theta (4-6 cps) and Delta (0-3 cps). While in these ultra quiet states inner clarity develops and the consciousness is liberated from the confines of the mind and sense perception and merges into the whole…samadhi. These exercises are even more powerful when initiated by a Guru whose spirit or “Shakti” can conduct the life force to make it easier for the student to tune into or connect with.

One of the most powerful forms of meditation is direct inquiry or self-reflection. When the yogi reflects on the very impetus that causes them to meditate they make a direct connection with their Self: “That which you are seeking is causing you to seek.” To ask yourself “who am I?” and go into the part of you that wants to know is to practice a form of yoga called Jnana. Simply observing that which is observing the mind liberates it from the mind. Just as one would look into their reflection in a mirror to know what they looked like, one has only to reflect upon their own nature to realize it.

At the heart of meditation lies the heart. It is through grace that our own true nature is revealed and it is through love that God is revealed. When the meditating yogi opens their heart to receive, when they surrender the “doer” then their own true nature becomes clear. The devotion to your Creator expressed through the devotion in your practice makes the practice of meditation easy and enjoyable to practice. Most people struggle with trying to stop their mind, which is like a cat chasing its tail. When the yogi allows their spirit, or life force, to meditate them then the practice of meditation becomes profound.

The use of a Guru or teacher has proven effective to help students find the truth that lies within them for thousands of years; it works. Most Westerners are leery of those who purport to be Gurus, and for good reason as this sacred trust has been abused by a few in the past, but nonetheless it is time tested and proven effective. When the student is ready the teacher will appear, but a reliable Guru is one who empowers you to find the True Guru, or Sat Guru, within your Self. Ultimately, that which created you, and which sustains your existence, is guiding you to awaken your consciousness to full realization; it is what is causing you to read this right now.

From the Heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute in Laguna Beach, California, and Shaktipat Meditation Instructor. He is author of several books on meditation and yoga including his most recent a compendium of world religions and spiritual teachers Looking for God. For more information go to or direct questions to

Attaining Bliss

How Much Bliss Do You Want?

The seniors at my High School were all asked: what they wanted to achieve in life for the yearbook. While many had specific career and financial goals, or a vision of an ideal family, almost half simply said that they wanted to be "happy." I was a little more intense; I wanted Self Realization. In the two plus decades that followed I have tracked the lives of many of my peers and observed what appears to be successful lives in terms of financial wherewithal, families and good health, but I also noted a growing sense of disillusionment, discontent and often even a quiet desperation to find some greater meaning or purpose in their lives. None were in bliss.

We come into this world as spirit, not even knowing our own body or mind. When you look into a baby's eyes, you see their spirit beaming back at you. As we get older we start identifying with our body and mind more and become increasingly disconnected with our spirit, our life force, ourselves. As we become more distant from ourselves we lose the peace, the intuitive insight and the bliss that is the intrinsic nature of our own spirit. That glee from your childhood never left, your spirit never vacated, you just began to ignore its presence. We deny the light of our own indwelling spirit as we become more enslaved by our mental programming. The bliss is already here just as your spirit is; we simply ignore it. But you don't have to any more.

The Kingdom of Heaven DOES lie within. Each of us has only to look within to find the living presence to invoke it. The spirit that animates your existence, that causes your heart to beat and your cells to regenerate, has also been guiding you through life experiences that serve to evolve you to your highest potential and purpose. This same spirit has guided you to read these words, to trigger the latest memory of who you are and why you were born, so you could awaken from the dream and realize your true nature as spirit. As your mind recognizes, aligns and recalibrates to the presence of your own indwelling spirit you feel a commensurate amount of bliss. The more you awaken, the more bliss.

There is unquestionably a means of realizing the Self, there is a definitive way to awaken your consciousness and live in the blissful awareness of the Divine presence. This is your destiny. You most definitely do have a life purpose and there absolutely is a way to find and fulfill it. The question is: How much bliss do you want? If you want it bad enough, there is a way to dissolve the resistances your mind projects. You can discover clarity of purpose and reveal your Divine blissful state. Right now you have an incredible opportunity to break out of the confines of self-imposed limitations and set your soul free. Unimaginable joy awaits you. Spirit calls.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Before Before

Before Before

Before I was
And after I am
The appearance beyond
The "you" I see
Will merge with me
And that which we are
And will ever be
And love will love
Until nothing is left
And nothing never was
Nor will be
Nothing created or destroyed
And nothing
Can be said
Not now

Steven S. Sadleir

The Meditation That Works Wonders

You can learn to meditate in a very profound way very easily. Follow these simple steps and enjoy.

Take a moment to sit quietly and be still. Acknowledge the part of you that feels compelled to meditate. Get in touch with that part of you that is evolving you and guiding you to realize your full potential. Get in touch with the volition or will that desires to meditate, find peace or enlighten. Sit comfortably strait up and take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and relax your body, as if you were sitting in a hot bath or jacuzzi. Open your heart to receive the grace and feel the life force energy in your body. That which causes your own heart to beat.

Close your eyes and forget about your mind. Do not try to stop your mind. Just relax, let your mind go on like a television left running in the room next door. Focus your eyes and attention at the point between your eyebrows. Gaze into the dark screen of your mind and tune into the subtle current of life force energy, or spirit, that is gathering at this point through your focus of attention.

Let this feeling be your guide. This current of life force energy is your homing beacon; tune into it like a radio tuning into a broadcast. Step out of your own way and let your spirit guide you. The more open you are to receive, the more you will receive. Open your heart.
Any time you are distracted by a thought, feeling or sound, just come back to the feeling and let it guide you. The more you focus the clearer it gets, and the more you allow the feeling to guide you the easier it gets. From peaceful to blissful. Enjoy the bliss.

If you would like additional help just picture me, call to me inwardly. I will meet you in spirit within the silence of your own mind. It will come as a feeling, as spirit. Like walking together with a brother. This inner guidance makes it easy, effortless and more enjoyable to meditate. You will go deeper faster with a trainer and will enjoy it more.

Guided Meditation tapes, distance learning courses, seminars and retreats are available when you are ready, and more information is provided on our website. May the whole world live in happiness and peace.

To receive a free copy of my new 12 page eBook 7 Meditations in PDF format visit our website:

From the Heart,
Steven S. Sadleir

The Himalayas

Twice I have climbed the Himalayas seeking the Truth, seeking enlightenment, seeking to find my Self and fulfill some life purpose that was calling to me. There was something powerful in making such pilgrimages. There was the power of the intention in going. Putting forth the effort was acknowledging that part of me that was seeking, that was guiding me. The destination served as the place my mind would accept what my soul already innately knew.

Whether you can join us for our trip this summer to China and Tibet or not, you can join the pilgrimage in spirit by recognizing that part of you that is seeking to find itself. That which you are seeking is causing you to seek. This is the first precept of the Self Realization Course, the first thing you need to realize on your path to full enlightenment. Your true Self is already realized; you already know that the answers lie within you. The first step to realizing whatever it is you are looking to realize or find is to acknowledge that part of you that is looking.

Many Yogi's have climbed the Himalayas seeking self realization. It goes back into recorded history many thousands of years. It is an enchanting place, a mystical and mythical place, a Shangrala of the spirit. There is power at the roof of the world. We are all connected with the life force current or spirit that is guiding all of existence, but you can feel it so strong upon the world's tallest peaks. The entire culture is devoted to recognizing the Buddha nature and to bringing it about for the whole world to enjoy, a consciousness of compassion. You feel it there.

But you can feel it here right now too. Wherever you go, the presence is present. The same life force current that is flowing through me to write these words for you to read is providing you the volition to read them. We are being guided by the same spirit to awaken. Connect with the part of you that knows this and awaken with me now. Whether you come to the Himalayas with me this summer or not, you can be with me right now in consciousness. I just wanted you to know that I recognize who you are. I want to welcome you back home. Look forward to seeing you.

From the heart,

Finding Love

So many people are looking for love. We are all searching to find greater meaning, happiness and peace in our lives. Why do so few find it? because they are searching outside of themselves. All the love that you could ever want and then some already lies within you. When your mind hears that it wants to turn away, but deep within the core of your being you know that it is true. This is the message of all the prophets, saviors and saints: God is love. Through God Realization you find the love that you are seeking.

Love is what created you. Not just the love expressed through your parents, but the very life force that caused your cells to multiply, to grow, to be expressed as a living being. This expression of life is love. The spirit that animates your existence is an expression of this love, and when you tap into that spirit you tap into the source of love itself. Love is never missing, because God is never "not there." This primordial expression of consciousness which is life itself is omnipresent, which means it is ever presence within your own being. This spirit is what is causing your heart to beat right now, it is what is causing your cells to regenerate, it is compelling you to read these words and contemplate there meaning. Connect with this presence by observing your volition to read on.

When you feel the living presence of God within you, as the spirit causing life within you, you feel love, not just the emotion of love but the very essence of love itself. Every emotion of love is like a wave flowing across an ocean of love; the waves come and go but the ocean is always there…you are floating in it. Like a fish living in the sea, your very existence is supported and sustained by this loving presence and the more aware you are of this loving presence, the more you feel it. This Divine presence is always present or you would not be alive, whenever you are not feeling this loving presence it is only because you are either ignoring it or denying it. Your mind or emotions have directed your attention elsewhere.

Anytime that you are feeling anything other than happiness and peace it is only serving as a reminder to get back in touch with your Self, to connect with this Divine Presence, and to engage the love that already lies within you. Your tendency will be to turn away, to try and find it though yet another relationship, material manifestation or circumstance, but those pleasures are fleeting whereas the presence of God is eternal, unconditional, and immediately accessible. From recognizing this presence within you, you then have the capacity to express this love through your relationships, your material life and circumstances. You are not denying the pleasure or demands of the "real world" but rather engaging it from a place of being conscious, from a place of love.

So many people suffer needlessly because they are looking to find happiness and peace outside themselves. People will vehemently argue, justify, rationalize and defend their right or perceived need to feel contractive negative states, and even hearing this could trigger resentment in you because your mind wants to control you. But your spirit is reaching out to you right now through the reading of these words; your spirit is leading you back to God; back home, back to the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within you. Your state of consciousness is a choice. All the love that you are seeking already lies within you, why deny it any longer? Realize this living presence by putting your attention on it. Listen to the call of your own indwelling spirit; find your Self, Realize God. God is love.

From the Heart,
Steven S. Sadleir

The Kingdom of Heaven Lies Within

The Garden

Enter the Garden
You have not far to go
Your feet are already upon it
Even now

As you look beyond
What your mind projects
What your senses shelter you from
You’ll see it never left

Only love grows
In the Garden
Pluck the fruit
That dangles between your eyes

These angels need not wings to fly
God walks among us
As us

The only sin
Is denying the love
That already

Steven S. Sadleir

Friday, July 20, 2007

How You Evolve

Human beings have been evolving for millions of years. In the last few decades we have evolved considerably: growing taller, living longer and developing greater brain density. The last part of our brain to develop is the area at the top of the head, and in this space, the crown of your skull, is where the frontal and temporal lobes reside. It is in this part of your brain that the latent memory of who you are and why you were born is stored. This part of your brain is the seat of your latent faculties of higher awareness, your sense of "Self," and the memory of your life purpose. The answers you seek lie here.

In meditation you put our attention at that point between the eyebrows, or "third eye." As your body's life force energy is directed there it stimulates your pituitary and pineal glands, releasing peptides. As these glands are stimulated through focused awareness it induces a biological "relaxation response" that lowers your brain wave frequency quite naturally, and calms and quiets your mind. It also begins to activate the part of your brain that is still developing and still evolving to reach its highest potential. By consciously awakening your consciousness through meditation your consciousness evolves more quickly. It is a matter of your body and mind downloading the presence of your own spirit to realize your own true nature. The answers already lie within you; you are destined to awaken.

As you focus your attention on your own life force, or spirit, you develop inner clarity, happiness and peace. You also become attuned to your own life force energy, or spirit, it becomes more familiar to your mind and your mind begins to "realize" your own true nature as spirit. Not an "understanding" but, rather, a "realization." The more connected you become with your Self, the more clarity, happiness and peace you will experience. The more your consciousness awakens, the more clearly you see how you are being guided to realize your full potential and how you are fulfilling your life purpose. This is already happening innately as you reflect on this in this moment.

Your spirit led you to read this. You have been called. You are part of a small, but rapidly growing segment of the population that is awakening to full self-realization. The Self Awareness Institute is a gathering place for those who are awakening. In the last month over 10,000 people have join us. A little more than half of these people are from the United States, followed by the United Kingdom, India and Canada. We just had over 100 people from South Africa sign up, as well as individuals from over 117 countries including United Arab Emirates, People's Republic of China, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe. Welcome. May the whole world live in happiness and peace.

From the heart,

Steven S. Sadleir, Director