Thursday, July 17, 2008

Your Energy Body

Your body is energy. Energy is absorbed through the air you breathe. It flows in your nervous system, like electricity flowing through wires, to all your extremities and vital organs. It flows in streams through channels of low resistance and high conductivity called chi, or ki. Your central nervous system conducts it like a bar magnet, with the positive charge on the top of the head and the negative charge at your tailbone. Arching fields of bio-magnetism flow out from the top of your head, encircle your body and come up again at the negative pole at your tailbone in what is called an “aura.”

Your thoughts are energy too, literally a movement of energy flowing through streams of neurons, or brain cells, in your head. Emotions are a combination of neurological discharges and secretions of brain chemicals whose discharges create the moods you feel. All your senses are picking up energy: Light is energy, sound is energy, taste and smell involve energy discharges in your brain as well. Movement is energy, gravity is a form of energy, every state perceived is something changing…energy; perception itself is energy.

Even the physical mass of your body is energy. Shrink your awareness down into the cellular level and you find the cells of your body are in constant communication with each other energetically; each cell receives and conducts energy. Shrink yourself down even further to the molecular level and you find systems of organizing intelligence conducting the energy to create the patterns we call molecules, elements, compounds-the building blocks of life. Shrink your awareness down even smaller to the world of atoms and you find that the ultimate constituents of your body are latent potential and realized manifestations of positive and negative energy, which we call protons, electrons, and neutrons.

Your body is both receiving and transmitting energy. What you think, and feel, is what you are creating. Create happy positive thoughts and those thoughts are transmitted into the fields of awareness that link us all together, like cells in the body of God. Negative thoughts are also transmitted into the field of collective consciousness and will cause you to attract the people, circumstances and situations that enable you to see whatever is diminishing the light of your own indwelling spirit. Spirit is consciousness in expression, or Shakti. That which causes life within you is you. You are the light. Realize this.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

How to Find Peace of Mind in a Crazy World

Have you noticed that life appears to be speeding up? We are trying to "fit" so many things into our schedule, trying to keep up, stay on top, working harder and harder to get ahead. The whole world is stressing out. The recession is creating a fear of survival; a "lack" consciousness is begetting more lack and, then, if we watch the television, listen to the news on the radio, or read the paper, our minds are filled with even more dismal information. There is a vortex of negative energy that we feed, collectively, and unconsciously, that perpetuates this cycle and keeps us from being at peace and being happy.

This chaotic energy is endemic in our world culture now, and we are all feeling its affects. As the energy keeps spinning faster and faster, like a hurricane, we can easily get caught up in it with all its negativity and that's why so many people don't feel at peace. We have gotten caught up in the negative energy vortex, and the mind just goes on and on as if we had no control of our lives. We allow our minds to run out of control. The good news is there is a time tested proven solution to this mass chaos: unplug from it.

By first realizing that you have a choice what state of mind to be in, no matter what is happening in your life, then you begin to shift your energy. By stepping back from the energy vortex and "disengaging" it, you stop feeding it. There is a thought momentum that will pull you back in again if you go unconscious and you likely will (you'll be tested). You then just need to remember to step back again and watch your mind as if you were watching a show...which you are. Our habit is to get sucked in, again and again, and that just reinforces and perpetuates these cycles causing the chaos. At some point, you need to decide you are stepping out of it and reconnect with that place of peace that is innate to your being. This is where meditation comes in.

Most of the time when I mention something like this, people's kneejerk reaction is either "I can't meditate, my mind is too active" or "I don't have time to meditate." If your mind thinks this way it is only indicating that you have lost control of your life and well being. It's making the conscious choice to disengage from that very thinking that opens you up to new possibilities. We see this every day. We work with thousands of people who start with this "too busy" or "can't" attitude, and then watch them shift, almost overnight, into states happiness and peace. You only need to be shown how, it's learned. When you shift your state of consciousness, by intending to, your life also shifts. Not only will you find increasing joy and peace from life, but you will receive the inner guidance to fulfill your life purpose and create greater prosperity too. I guarantee it. The choice is up to you. What are you choosing?

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

What a Manifestation & Meditation Retreat is Like

Hundreds gather from around the country and abroad to the vortexes and natural beauty of Sedona, Arizona, to learn The Exact Science of Manifesting from some of world's leading experts. One of the highlights of this weekend retreat was when leading clinical psychologist and best-selling author Dr. David Hawkins provided us an overview of "The Scale of Consciousness" (see Power Verses Force) and explained the various levels of consciousness and the means of objectively determining truth from falsehood. From his insights we learned of our ability to consciously raise our own level of consciousness and we inspired to enlighten.

Humor abounds as national speaker
Matthew Ferry, Director of the Academy of Influence and personal trainer to millionaires, shares his secrets of manifesting whatever you want, financially, personally and spiritually, through his "8 Steps to Manifesting" process and causes us to nearly split our spleen from laughing so hard during the "Drunk Monkey" talk. The conference room was filled with inspirational art, sacred objects, special air cleansing devices were brought in create the optimal environment, and nutritional experts showed us how to cleanse our bodies through super-foods like Isagenix.

I led a half a dozen powerful meditations designed to: (1) Clear away limiting beliefs and fears, (2) connect with the source of inner knowing, (3) amplify your attractor field to manifest more powerfully, (4) raise your calibrated level of consciousness, and (5) get high as a kite through Shaktipat. By the end of the retreat almost everyone had tears of joy in their eyes and had made major breakthroughs.
Dr. Sally St. John showed us how to use applied kinesiology to determine our calibrated level of consciousness and tests of the group showed that as a whole they had moved all the way into the 500's (a state of higher consciousness).

Most of the time we hung out with our friends, made new friends and hiked the famous "energy vortexes" of Sedona. Almost half the people at the retreat had never meditated before, but by the time we left everyone had experienced samadhi and each had made a deeper connection with their spirit. We all learned that "what we think we create, and we create what we think" and by Monday the magic of manifesting has already begun. People are finding greater prosperity, happiness and peace by realizing they can, through self-realization. We are planning to do another retreat in Santa Fe this summer; hope you can join us.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Making It Meaningful

Do you feel a sense of absolute awe and wonder with your life? Does your life flow effortlessly with synchronicity and abundance? Do you feel you are aligned with your purpose and feel fulfilled, completely happy and at peace? If not, why not? You already know the answers lie within you. You have a sense of being guided to fulfill your life purpose don't you? Otherwise why would you be reading this? Your Spirit is guiding you to fully realize who you are and why you were born so that you can fulfill the purpose of your existence.

Once you realize that there is something to be realized, your realization has begun. The fact that you are reading this indicates that you have already awakened your consciousness and are being guided. But being guided to what? Each of us is being given the opportunity to connect with the part of us that already knows why we were born by acknowledging the volition that compels you to read these words. The more you get in touch with that, the more connected your mind will be with your Self.

To the degree we connect with this inner knowing, we live a life of prosperity, happiness and peace. I have observed this in literally thousands of cases over the past twenty years. Virtually everyone who learns the tools and practices them finds greater prosperity, happiness and peace. Everyone. You find meaning in life when you find your Self. Self-realization is the key. What keeps people from this enlightened state is what their mind does. The mind resists. This is the test. It resists making the commitment to the practice, it resists going beyond what is already known, it resists help, it becomes fearful, prideful, distracted.

When you come to the point in the evolution of your consciousness that you make the commitment to full self-realization everything in your life shifts. The doors of opportunity open up for you. The universe supports you. The Divine enters into your life in ways that appear miraculous and your heart is filled with love, peace and joy. I see this every day, I am watching thousands of people enlighten. I am hoping that you will join us and enter into this Kingdom of Heaven that lies within. I welcome you into this present moment. Close your eyes and connect with what you are feeling. I will meet you there.

From the heart, Steven

Mystical Land, Powerful Journey

Imagine meditating on an active volcano. Mauna Loa, on the Big Island of Hawaii, is the most massive mountain on Earth; measured from its base on the seafloor it rises 56,000 (27,000 higher than Everest from the base) and lies over 13,700 above sea level. It was snowing on the peak even as we basked in the sun on the black sandy beaches of Puna, approximately 30 miles south of Hilo. All of Hawaii is beautiful, but I have never been to such an incredible place and wanted to share with you what a SAI retreat was like so you can join us next time.

Each morning we were led by Maura Hoffman in an absolutely wonderful yoga workout and then led into a powerful Shaktipat meditation, so by breakfast we were already naturally high as a kite. Late morning and afternoon we would typically go on excursions and meet up again in the late afternoon for Dhyana, getting even higher on the Divine. By the end of the week everyone went to an even deeper level in their meditations and several people had life changing breakthroughs as the Shakti just sets your spirit free.

One day we went hiking to beautiful Akaka Falls and then went swimming with sea turtles, another day we went into a lava tube ---the womb of the Volcano--- and sat sauna style as steam vented up into the darkened chamber. Another day we went trance dancing with another retreat group and later danced on the beach to the sounds of a dozen drums beating and the crashing of waves on the beach. We also went to the geo-thermal natural hot tubs, snorkeled about with beautiful fish, ate incredible natural meals, got massages, and had fun activities each night, such as, Kaya Kalpa Anti-Aging Secrets, Tantra, Love Tap's, Kriya Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Bliss Sessions. We also just hung out on the beach and got to know each other better.

But the height of the trip was walking out to the lava flow. Kilauea extends out the side of Mauna Loa and is still active. We could see the steam from the lava flowing miles away from our totally decked out retreat center Rama Shala. Friday evening we hiked out of Volcano National Park and went within feet of flowing magma (molten rock) as it dropped right into the sea expanding Hawaii's shore line. Maura and I stripped down in the pitch of darkness and swam right out to the middle of the lava flow, within 100 feet of the cascading lava sputtering like a pressure cooker as it met the crashing waves below. The whole ocean reflected the bright orange glow as we bounded in the bubbling waters heated by the lava. For a hundred yards to our left and to our right was red-hot lava flowing into the ocean. Absolutely amazing. I had to tell someone (hope Mom isn't reading this). Go to to see the photos.

From the Heart,
Steven S. Sadleir

Find Your Purpose, Fulfill Your Destiny

We are each being guided to fulfill our life purpose. Collectively and individually we are all following our intuition to evolve ourselves to higher levels of consciousness. You witness evidence of this inner guidance as you read these words. You are here because spirit guided you to be here. You are being invited to take that next step and fulfill your destiny. So, what is your destiny? What lies awaiting for you to realize? First you must find yourself. Connect with the part of you that knows your calling and how to fulfill the purpose of your existence. To realize your full potential you must realize your Self, you must attain Self Realization.

Everyone reading this essay is enlightened to some degree or you would not have the inclination to read this. Start by acknowledging that part of you that seeks enlightenment. Let it be clear in your own mind that you are seeking to raise your calibrated level of consciousness and attain conscious control over your mind, and feel the full profundity of God’s love as you realize the Kingdom of Heaven within you. To think we go through so much of our life ignorant of this Divine presence. It’s a wonder how we could deny the very love that sustains our own existence, but we do. We suffer out of ignorance.

When your mind realizes the true nature of your Self, the bliss is indescribable. If you are not intoxicated on God, what are you doing? Why would you choose to live a life of trials and errors when you could walk with Him? God never left, open your eyes and see. The Kingdom of Heaven lies within. In the Gospel of Thomas the apostles ask Jesus, “When will the Kingdom come?” To which Jesus replied, “It will not come by waiting for it. You cannot say that it is here, or that it is there. For the Kingdom of Heaven is spread out before man, but he sees it not.” Those that have eyes let them see.

Brothers and sisters, your destiny is to enlighten. Until to commit to this mission you are straying from your path and that might be why it seems difficult at times. When will the time come that you commit yourself whole heartedly to your enlightenment? Through Self Realization you truly do find greater prosperity, happiness and peace. Let me show you the way to find the answers that already lie within you. Let us create peace on Earth by first finding peace within ourselves. Your destiny awaits.

From the heart,
Steven S. Sadleir