Friday, March 07, 2008

The Awakening

In 1990 I received a calling to go to India with my good friend and partner Jim Smith. I closed down my business, packed away a few belongings and said goodbye to my family and friends to meet up with my first guru, Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi ("Swamiji"), a Kundalini Master from an ancient lineage in the Tamil Nadu state in South India. I had been apprenticing with Swamiji for five years and it had been at his suggestion we created The Self Awareness Institute back in 1985 to teach these methods of enlightenment to a western world in a western way.

During those first few months staying at Swamiji's ashram in a suburb of Madras I began to notice a profound shift in my awareness. While sitting in meditation 12 hours at a time each day, my awareness was liberated from my mind and the presence of God was no longer objectified by my mind or limited by it. His gift to me was the presence felt in his presence, a natural state of being that was not subjugated by the mind and senses…a perfect peace. A peace that had always been, and is, unchanging, but now the mind was aligned and at peace with it. Nothing actually happened, it just is, but my mind was at peace with it at last.

After receiving Swamiji's blessings, I left the ashram to pay my respects to the Arch Yogi Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj (also "Swamiji"). A yogi I originally heard about from Satya Sai Baba and Satchan Charan Lahiri, of the Kriya lineage, who both encouraged me to see him. This yogi had sat in samadhi for 23 hours a day for 8 years of his life, and then for 12 hours a day for another 4 years, and had tremendous powers to heal and enlighten through the transmission of this Shakti, or life force energy, called Shaktipat. It was this Yogi that supercharged my own sadhana, or meditative practice, and had me increase my Shakti through what is called Yoga Tapas.

While sitting in Bangalore, India, Sri Swamiji had me increase my sitting time up to 16 hours, 20 hours, and then up to 23 hours a day for 40 consecutive days and nights. Under his guidance my body and mind was being developed to be a vehicle of this Divine Love, or Darshan, and upon completing this training he installed me into his lineage and gave me his blessings to give Shaktipat. Shaktipat is what you feel on the free intro calls we hold each month. Upon completing this Yoga Tapas I was given a revelation of the impending awakening of consciousness that is presently occurring throughout the collective consciousness of humanity. It is this revelation that is shared in my new book The Awakening: An Evolutionary Leap in Human Consciousness that has just been re-released. You are part of this awakening as is evidenced by your reading of these words. I hope you enjoy the book and join us in uplifting the consciousness of the planet. May the whole world live in happiness and peace.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Keys to The Secret

In the last decade we have learned so much about how to use our mind and manifest what we want. The Law of Attraction goes back thousands of years to the ancient Vedas of India. When Yogi's would align with the Innate Intelligence of the Universe, and realize their true nature, they would gain this ability to miraculously manifest whatever was wanted or needed in what was called "siddhi's."

My own guru, Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj was known for being able to create clouds in the empty sky and cause it to rain, but only on the acre or two that he specifically designated and nowhere else for hundreds of miles. In our manifestation seminars we routinely see people double their income, connect with their life purpose and gain all the direction and guidance to find complete happiness and peace. They manifest this from their mind's realization of their own innate potential.

Sometimes people find this hard to believe. Your mind imagines that it should be hard, that life is a struggle, when nothing could be farther from the truth. Life is already in synch. People have only to connect with the Life Force, or Shakti, within themselves to manifest greater prosperity, happiness and peace. It's worked for thousands of years and for thousands of our students. I invite you to join us in creating a better world through creating a better world in your world, by manifesting it.

The key to this Secret is in finding yourself. This month we launch Enlightenment Radio on Live 365, the world's largest Internet Radio broadcasting company, with over 4 million listeners. For the first time in world history I will globally transmit Shaktipat live via Internet radio. Go online with us at the scheduled times and experience the energy coming into you and feel the bliss of samadhi. Please join our live broadcasts at the scheduled times below and/or check out all our recorded programming 24/7 at

From the Heart,
Steven S. Sadleir