Thursday, April 26, 2007

How To Manifest Your Inner Desires

Within each human lies the instinct to evolve. Your desires draw to you the learning experiences that cause you to discern what you like and dislike, what you want and don't want, and through this process you learn and grow and evolve to realize your full potential. Through this variety and diversity of life experiences what you innately want becomes clearer. As what you want becomes clearer your power to manifest what you want becomes stronger.

Feelings of joy, peace, and excitement serve as a honing beacon guiding you towards experiences that help you to fulfill your life purpose. Feelings of discontent, discord and being stuck help you to see how you are moving away from the opportunities to realize your full potential and find happiness. When you are connected with that inner guidance, and to the degree that you do connect, greater prosperity, happiness and peace are attained. This peace is innate; you just need to connect with it by being true to your intrinsic desires.

Desiring has energy. As you think about what you want that desire builds strength. Where you mind is focused energy follows. As you become more focused and clearer as to what you innately want, the energy to manifest gets stronger. This energy can be felt as excitement. The vibration of your intention is transmitted like a radio signal and the innate intelligence of the universe responds to it in kind. Put your attention on the joy of your desire and you will joyously attract that into your life, we see this miracle again and again with our students. Put your attention on what you think you lack and you attract more lack. It is a state of consciousness.

Create a clear picture of what you want in your mind, what does it feel like having what you desire. Be in that state of enjoying it whether it has manifested or is being manifested. Then put your life force energy into the vision, like a light shinning through a motion picture film, the desire is projected into your world. The more powerful the projection the more powerful the manifestation. To increase your power to manifest, connect with the source of life within you. Meditate. It comes back to getting in touch with the source of life within you. It comes back to getting in touch with your Self. It comes back to Self-Realization.

From the heart, Steven

Revolution in Evolution

Human beings have been evolving for millions of years, our minds have developed significantly in the past few thousand, and our consciousness really began developing only in the last few hundred years. But it is only in the past few decades that we have consciously been evolving our consciousness. Fifty years ago very few people would be reading an essay on this subject, but now you are here and that is significant.

You are reading these words because your spirit directed you to find us. You are part of a relatively small, but rapidly growing, segment of the population that is awakening. Your instinct is to evolve yourself to your highest potential, to realize your true nature and to fulfill your life purpose. You are amongst the first wave of humanity that is enlightening.

When you get to the point in the evolution of your consciousness, that you are consciously seeking ways to further evolve yourself to full enlightenment you will be guided to the sources that will help you achieve this objective. It is no coincidence that you happen to be reading this right now. The volition that is compelling you read this is guiding you back home.

We are coming together to create the world that we want to live in. The Kingdom of Heaven lies within us…it is a state of consciousness where we realize that we are spirit and the presence of the Divine is everywhere. As more people enter into this state of God intoxication and find inner peace, this creates a critical mass of awareness in the collective consciousness of humanity that serves as a catalyst to awaken this awareness in society at large. You are fulfilling the prophesy by considering this. You have awakened. We look forward to sharing with you more.

From the heart, Steven

The Power Lies Within You

Your source of power lies within you. The answers lie within. Happiness and peace lie within. You know this all already innately. The same life force energy that makes your heart beat enables you to create the world you want to live in. The same innate intelligence that knows how to regenerate the cells in your body also provides the answers and direction to fulfill your life purpose. You have the opportunity right now to realize your own potential by simply taking some time to explore the possibility.

Look at your life right now. What do you want? What do you need? What if you could manifest your desires? What if you could realize your dreams? Wouldn't it be worth taking a few minutes to look and see what possibilities lie within? The practice of going within is meditation. There are many forms of meditation, but the one we teach is to simply observe your own life force energy or spirit. That which animates your existence is you. That which brings life to your mind and body holds the key to realizing your potential, realizing your dreams, realizing your self.

Right now your heart is beating. Simply observe this. You are not personally making it beat. You don't make it beat, and short of killing yourself you can't make it stop. What is that that makes you tick? Find that, and you find the source of power within that can make all the difference in your life. Things can, and will, start shifting as soon as you have the presence of mind to seek it. Even your consideration of this possibility is awakening something from within you. What is causing you to consider this? What is compelling you to read these words? Observe that volition.

Once you realize, that there is something to be realized, your realization has begun. Each time you meditate, each time you reflect on this possibility, each time you go within, you water a seed of consciousness that is already germinating within you. You have been lead to read these words by your own innate intelligence. Your spirit is guiding you to realize your dreams…to realize your Self. This self-awareness brings greater clarity, happiness, prosperity and peace. Don't let your mind get in the way. Listen to the calling of your own indwelling spirit. You will hear it within the silence of your own mind. I will meet you there.

From the heart, Steven

It's All Love

Love is the transcendent reality; everything else is just a state of mind. Creation is an act of love, and that which sustains all of creation is an act of love. We are an act of creation; the Divine presence supports and sustains our existence. It is through an act of love that our heart beats, it is through an act of love that we exist, we are an expression of that love. You find that which causes life within you and you find the source of love itself; you find your Self.

You couldn't be anything other than that which you already are. Your true self is already realized; only your mind projecting the illusion of being separate causes your mind to think that you need to find yourself or search for love. The very volition that brought you to read these words is your spirit reaching out to your mind to get your attention. You are here reading this because it is time for you to wake up from the dream, to remember who you are and why you were born so you can fulfill the purpose of your existence.

There is an awakening occurring within the collective consciousness of humanity. Human beings are individually beginning to realize that there is something to be realized, a potential they have yet to realize within themselves. You are part of a small but rapidly growing segment of the population that is leading the way to awakening the collective consciousness of humanity; you are ahead of the bell curve. As you reflect on this possibility you are awakening your own potential to be conscious, and this contributes to the collective awakening on the planet.

Your spirit brought you to read these words so that you can reflect on this possibility, to go to the place of knowing within yourself, and to consider your life's calling. The part of you that already knows who you are and why you were born is making contact with you now. You will be thinking about this now. As you think about it, the energy of your attention will naturally begin to awaken your consciousness. The next step may be to find the tools and training that will help you fully enlighten. When you are ready, the clue will be staring you in the face.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir