Get Your Bearing
In and around everything that exists lie fields of organizing intelligence. That which creates us and sustains us is also guiding us; it is guiding us in every situation, everywhere, all the time. When we are aligned with the flow of this expression of consciousness, or spirit, we are guided to positive learning experiences and find fulfillment, happiness and peace. When we connect with and allow our body and mind to serve as a vehicle for this innate volition we are drawn to the people, places and situations that support our growth and development and life is good, very good.
When our mind diverts our attention away from this natural inclination, and to the degree it does, we feel a commensurate degree of suffering and pain. These are the signs pointing out that we are out of touch, disconnected, lost. Like a compass needle being pulled to magnetic north, our spirit is always pointing the way for our optimum happiness and peace. We are never really disconnected with spirit itself, but our mind can get so preoccupied with the stories that it creates that we all too often get lost in our own mind. But no matter how lost you are, no matter how difficult life gets, no matter how disconnected you feel, you can always come right back, get your bearing and find peace.
You get your bearing by tuning into the subtle life force currents flowing through you and around you. The more you tune in, the more tuned in you are. The more you connect with the source of life within you, the more connected you are. The more connected you are the more you will be guided to those life experiences that are helping you to learn, and grow, and evolve your consciousness to its highest expression and fulfill your life purpose. Shaktipat meditation is the means to connecting with this innate guiding volition; it’s your direct connection.
Shakti is life force, or spirit. It is energy. It makes your heart beat; it is life itself. But it is more than just energy, it is innate intelligence, it is the expression of consciousness that has been guiding you all along. It is you, it is what you are, it is what continues on long after the body expires and the sooner you are plugged into it and guided by it, the sooner you will find enduring happiness and peace. It is where you find clarity, it is where you find inspiration and guidance, it is where you find happiness and peace, and it is what is guiding you to read these words right now. You are being guided by it to find it, to realize it. The more you connect with it, the more you meditate using this Shaktipat, the stronger your connection is and the happier you are. We know, we’ve trained thousands, we see it transforming people’s lives every day, and we would love for you to experience the profound shifts that result as you awaken this inner knowing, guidance and love.
From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir
“Find your Self and find true happiness. All other happiness is transitory and fleeting."
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