What Do You Want?
Have you found enduring happiness and peace? Have you discovered why you are here, what you are here to do, what your purpose in life is? Deep inside each human being lies the latent memory of who they are and why they were born. We each have a calling; we all play a part in the Divine play of life. Just as each cell and organ in our body serves a role in a greater whole being, each human being plays a part in a greater whole in humanity.
Each of us draws life from that which is greater than our individual Self, and each contributes to a greater whole as well. The same life force energy, or spirit, that causes my heart to beat causes yours to beat as well. We are like leaves on the tree of life; each an extension of a greater expression of life that is evolving and growing. To the extent that we connect with the innate intelligence within us, we connect with our true Self and the memory of who we are and why we were born becomes clear.
As your body and mind aligns itself with this innate intelligence, this same innate intelligence will guide you towards fulfilling the very purpose of your existence. To the degree that you connect with your Self and allow your spirit to guide you the greater happiness and peace you create in your life. To the degree you disconnect with your Self and your purpose you find discord, suffering and pain. When your body, mind and spirit are aligned and congruent your life flows and is synchronistic, to the degree you are out of touch life appears to be a struggle.
To find your Self you have only to look. Your spirit is guiding you even now to read these words and reflect upon them. You are being called…to wake up from the dream and remember who you are and why you were born so that you can fulfill the purpose of your existence. The collective consciousness of humanity is awakening. You are at the leading edge of a tide of change that is calling forth the spirit within humanity to live as spirit and bring forth a higher consciousness so that we may all live together in happiness and peace. Don't you want that?
From the heart, Steven