How To Find Peace in a Hectic Modern World
Wouldn’t it be great if life just flowed, no stress, no worries, just happiness and peace? It sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? But why should life be difficult, stressful and why shouldn’t we live in happiness and peace? The truth is our mind is not programmed for peace. It’s not programmed for peace because peace is your natural state and it is only when we get caught up in our head and its programming that we create the stress, discord and disease that diminishes our happiness and peace. Fortunately there is so much you can do to get centered and clear headed again even amongst the chaos. Take just a few moments to read this and your life will be changed forever.
The first step to finding greater happiness and peace is in realizing that you have a choice what state of mind you are going to be in. Without directing your mind and attention to that which creates happiness and peace, your mind will unwittingly follow the course of action that most people take which results in stress, pain, worry, anger, and a plethora of negative emotions and mental states that rule their lives. Focus your attention on that which creates stress and you create stress, consciously redirect your attention to what brings greater clarity, happiness and peace and you will experience those states. No matter what is going on outside of you that is affecting you, you can take conscious control of your mind, and state of mind, by becoming conscious of your own mind.
So what does being conscious of your own mind mean? No matter what you are thinking there is a part of you that is observing your thoughts. You are even now watching your thoughts as you are reading these words. There is the mechanical process of recalling the meaning of the words and discerning what they mean, and another part of you that is watching the though process going on in your head. Your consciousness is what is observing the movie going on in your mind. Whether that movie, or life experience, is a drama, comedy or tragedy your consciousness is what “witnesses” these life experiences. From this place of being the witness of the dramas that play in your head, you come to a place of inner peace that always lies within you.
If you are watching a movie that is scaring you, or is upsetting to watch, you can sit back and tell yourself that you are watching a movie and this starts bringing you back into a more peaceful state. Similarly, when you observe what thoughts and emotions are going on in your mind as a conscious “witness”, you are then able to look at these emotional and mental states from a place of greater clarity within you. Witnessing enables you to be less attached and more objective in your perception and responses. From this place you gain greater perspective on the situation, greater clarity and insight as how best to deal with the situation, and less emotional attachment that naturally reduces the tension from those life experiences. Step back from your mind and observe what you are thinking and feeling as the witness, and live in that place of peace that is your own consciousness.
From the Heart,
Steven S. Sadleir
Steven S. Sadleir is an author of numerous books on Self Realization and founder of the Self Awareness Institute that provides training programs in finding happiness and peace. Go to or call 949-497-9954, and send questions to