Manifesting Effortlessly
Human beings are a manifestation of something much greater than their individual selves. The very power that causes our hearts to beat and cells to regenerate is the essential nature of our own being. The same innate intelligence, life force or spirit that is causing my heart to beat is causing yours to beat. The same volition that is compelling me to write these words for you to read is compelling you to read them. This incredible force is guiding all of creation; it is the very act of creation. What is manifesting in you, as you, is you.
Once we realize the essence of our own being, we realize the nature of existence and the incredible force that is directing and guiding all of existence. When we align our body and mind to work congruently with this innate force within us, we gain the ability to use our body and mind to express this life force with the power to manifest. The key is to connect with the source of this creative potential within you. It is not a matter of you doing something to get what you want, but, rather, allowing yourself to be a vehicle to manifest what is in the highest and best for you and all those with whom you are exchanging energy with. It is not what you do, but what you consciously allow to express through you and to guide you.
The clearer you are as to what it is that you are compelled to manifest, the more powerful your manifestation. The power lies not in your mind and its desires, but in your innate intelligence and the cooperation of your mind and body to be a vehicle for that which already knows your life purpose and what serves you best. What you think you want may actually be getting in the way of manifesting what would serve you best and bring the greatest peace, happiness and fulfillment.
The things that you want have energy. What is the state of consciousness of your desires? Is your desire to manifest creating peace and joy in your life, or is it creating discord? The higher the calibration of your stated desire, the more powerful your ability to manifest. When your desires are in line with your intrinsic higher nature, your ability to manifest is easy, effortless and enjoyable. What are you experiencing in your life? Are you at peace? Are you feeling bliss right now? If not, you could be. You can manifest peace and joy and bliss right now. Ultimately it is a matter of knowing your self; it is a matter of realizing your Self.
From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir, Director
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