Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Overcoming Resistances

Clarity, happiness and peace are innate. When not engaged in mental activity, your mind naturally calms down and inner clarity develops. In this natural state of being there is only happiness and peace, even bliss. From this place within you gain the insight and direction from your own indwelling spirit. When you connect with your Self in this way, you get connected with the innate intelligence, or spirit, that is directing and guiding you towards learning what you came here to learn to evolve yourself to your highest potential and fulfill your life purpose. The answers lie within you. Happiness and peace are innate within. Then why do we not always live in this clear and blissful state? because of the mind's resistances.

The key to finding enduring happiness and peace is then to realize what detracts you from it. What does your mind do to keep you from being in peace or being happy all the time? Once you become conscious of what your mind is projecting that causes you to get disconnected, that awareness begins to loosen up your mind hold on you and your peace of mind. Your awareness of the resistance breaks it down. Seeing it for what it is neutralizes the energy it has over your attention. Shifting your attention to the place within you that is innately at peace keeps those resistances from growing. Those resistances are only fed by your attention. Redirect your attention on the place of peace innate within you and you grow the peace within you. This practice is called meditation.

So everyone knows that meditation helps you find greater peace and enlightenment. Those of you who have been on our calls and experienced our meditation know how blissful it gets. You know how powerful meditation is. Most of you reading this already know that you will be more effective in your business, find more harmony in your relationships, and will be happier in general through meditation, but the power of the mind is such that even knowing this you will ignore that inner knowing and let your mind pull you back into a contracted mental state that creates confusion, frustration and turmoil. You can break this cycle by consciously deciding to.

It is amazing how people deny happiness in their life. I hear people say, "I don't have time to meditate." This is the time that they would benefit from the meditation the most. This is a sign that their mind has taken over and is causing discord in their life. If you are saying this to yourself, recognize it as the resistance that is keeping you from your peace, happiness and destiny. I have the fortunate position of watching miracles occur in people's lives as they self realize through meditation. I see the love, peace and joy growing as they practice the tools they have been given. I also see those who fall off their practice, and watch them suffer. Where are you right now? Are you in the bliss? Are you at peace and on purpose? Could you use some help? Would you like to gain greater clarity, happiness and peace? If so, what is keeping you?
From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir